Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reputable Albuquerque Therapist Outlines The Symptoms Displayed By Suicidal Teens

By Robert Hughes

As a parent, you will live through your worst nightmare when you start suspecting that your child is suicidal. Normally, there are numerous reasons that could push a child to committing suicide and these reasons may have nothing to do with you or your family. It is hence important to immediately intervene and seek professional help the instant you notice certain telling signs. A competent Albuquerque therapist can provide the much needed mental health services to help your little one to see the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

One of the signs you need to be on the lookout for is worsening depression. Peer pressure, school and even traumatic events could throw a young person into a serious of never-ending sadness and intense feeling of hopelessness. By seeking therapy, your child can get the much needed treatment and possible get saved from committing suicide.

Research shows that four in five suicidal teens will make it known that they no longer want to live. They will therefore get obsessed by death and will even find out about the different methods they could use to kill themselves. This would be a clear indication of their mental instability. Seeking mental health therapy could again ensure that your child does not harm him or herself.

Another telling sign that something could be wrong is if your teen is suddenly engaging in risky behavior. In case your loved one is suddenly performing poorly in school and frequently acting out of character you may have reason to ask some hard questions. In some cases, the suicidal teen will also engage in actions that are self-destructive such as reckless driving, drug abuse and promiscuous sex just to mention a few.

Simply because your son has been charged with DUI does not always mean that he is suicidal. Even so, you must not overlook the need to get to the bottom of sudden risky and reckless behaviors. A reliable therapist can help you determine ways to improve the emotional wellness of your loved one.

Another clear sign that something could be amiss if your teen suddenly loses interest in beloved activities. This is a common sign of depression or even being suicidal. You want to be involved in the life of your child and ask questions whenever you notice some awkward changes. It pays for your teens to know that they can talk about their feelings freely and you will always be there to help.

Suicidal teens could also sell their valuables or give them out for free. This happens because they are sure that they would no longer need these possessions. In case you notice that a good number of the favorite items of your loved one are missing, you again have reason to raise an eyebrow.

Mental health concerns are scary for both teens and adults. Fortunately, all is not lost irrespective of what a patient may be going through at the moment. An ideal counselor can take a loved one through therapy and treatment and ensure that they are able to recover fully and regain control of their lives.

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