Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Do It Or Don't Dieting Tips To Help You Lose Weight Fast

1. Stop, stop eating when you are full
So many people out there don't or won't stop eating even when they are well past 'Full'. Are you in the 'Clean Plate' club? If you are try leaving at least a pea on the side of the plate. "Go on leave something"! You feel full, simply get up from the table and say "Thank you for the meal", surely it can't be that hard.

2. Are you full?
Make sure to take your time, it's not about who comes first. It's more about coming last! Chew, chew and chew your food. Chew your food a zillion time if need be. Try to taste it before digesting it. Do you really know what you just eat for dinner? Did you really taste it? It could not have touched your tongue, let alone the sides of your mouth. The shovel tipped it straight down your throat. SLOW DOWN!

3. The Calorie Counter
Are you driving everyone around you absolutely calorie crazy. It really is unnecessary, to the extreme. Sure you need to keep a grip on your calorie intake but, your portion size is king. OK make sure that the food on your plate is healthy and nutritious. OK have a quick count, an average but, there is no need for the calculator at the table is there. Do not be an incessant calorie counter.

4. Keep to the Free Fat Low Fat ingredients
OK people complain about the lack of taste but what taste are they on about? The fat, they have become addicted to fat, Ugh. People smoke and people drink alcohol yet they admit that they are acquired tastes. In other words the cigarettes and the alcohol tasted terrible. They had to get used to it first and then become addicted etc. The same goes for fat. Try giving a fatty burger or similar to someone that eats very little fat. They are not going to like it. They may even give it back to you if they attempt to put it in their mouth and swallow it!

5. Eat a Big Breakfast, a smaller Lunch and an even smaller evening meal
People may argue that times do not matter. You can eat a meal late at night and I agree but, you are only allowed so much food per day and a big meal early on will help you to stop snacking. Try one big meal of a night and then go without food all through the day. Not many people are going to make it. Get the idea?

6. Stick to the Diet
Do not stray from your diet. When you are out and about say, "No thank you I have eaten" if anybody offers you any food that means straying from your diet. If possible try and make sure that you have recently eaten as this will help you to survive. If not say "Go on then but, only a teensy weeny portion, as I have already eaten and feel full". Then explain that you would say no but you love their cooking or similar.

7. Healthy Foods
Always go for the healthy foods. If there is a choice make it. Make it healthy! No pies, cakes or cookies. It's the fruit, the vegetables and the low fat yogurts that you want. So choose what you want. "Mines a yogurt, thanks".

8. It is all about the portions
You know it makes sense. Smaller portions of your favourite low fat foods that are nutrient high. "Remember, keep it balanced"!

9. Drink, drink and drink a little more
No, shy away from the alcohol, the fizzy pop and the like. It is water that you are after. You want a minimum of 2 litres per day. 3 litres is all the better or why not go for a little more. Never, never say no to a glass of water. Stay hydrated to the bottom of the glass!

10. It is all about the grains, honestly
Keep away from the sugary cakes, potatoes, cookies, white bread and everything else that has a high carbohydrate count. You want the whole grain, whole wheat, multi-grain and sugar substitutes, that are good for you. Do not load up with the fuller fat variety and the like. You just know it makes sense.

11. Shop on a full stomach
Sounds sill but it is true. If you are hungry you are more likely to purchase a crafty snack whilst you are out and about. Also hungry people make bad choices and you may succumb to purchasing the wrong choices. You know, the ones with the full fat and sugars in them. Don't let them get you. Fight it, fight it.

12. You love outdoor activities don't you (You do now)
Outdoor activities will suit you down to the ground. It does not matter whether it is walking, running, climbing, cycling or similar it just does not matter. You will love it.

13. We are having a picnic
Make sure that you pack the right food. What you want is a healthy tray. Healthy foods only please. Remember to share healthy food and share the love.
I do hope that these ideas help you realise that you can watch your weight and still have a fantastic time

If you want more dieting tips and advice make sure to stop at my blog. I look forward to hearing from you.

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